Feb 13, 2019

25 good tweets for people who hate Valentine's Day

25 good tweets for people who hate Valentine's DayValentine's Day is kind of nice, but it's mostly a cloying, capitalist nightmare. It makes sense, then, that the anti-Valentine's Day community is a large and vocal one. V-Day skeptics aren't bitter; they just hate Russell Stover samplers from CVS!If you count yourself among the lukewarm this Feb. 14, you're not alone. There are loads of tweets from people who also detest the holiday on which a nonzero number of people will receive a Doritos bouquet. (To be clear, I am jealous of the Doritos bouquet.)SEE ALSO: Texas zoo comes up with a clever Valentine's Day offer for vengeful exesPlease enjoy.> Oh you don't have a valentine on valentine's day? Some people don't even have a groundhog on groundhogs day. check your privilege> > -- Johnny Brittner (@JohnnyBrittner) February 10, 2019> Friend: what are you doing for VD? > > Me: taking antibiotics and drinking cranberry juice > > Friend: Valentine's Day... > > Me, leaning in: taking antibiotics and drinking cranberry juice> > -- sarah schauer (@SJSchauer) January 29, 2019> "What do uh think you'll be getting for Valentines Day?" > > Me: a snap from team Snapchat> > -- Anaya. (@imdalight) January 27, 2018> Can we replace Valentine's Day with another thanksgiving?> > -- MisfitMama (@okayest_momm) January 28, 2018> "Actually, violets are violet," I say, ripping up her poem.> > -- Anna (@anjvs) February 14, 2015> Dump your boyfriend not because I'm bored but because Valentine's Day is coming up and it's hard to explain but we can't let capitalism win> > -- Gina (@ginadivittorio) February 10, 2019> "Do you have a date for Valentine's Day?" > Me: Yes... February 14th> > -- Zachary (@zacharywhyde) January 28, 2018> Instead of showing our partners love through overpriced chocolate and trite greeting cards, this February we're going to the cave of the goddess of breastfeeding, we're sacrificing a goat, we're annointing ourselves with its blood, we're running naked through the streets of Rome> > -- Anne Theriault (@anne_theriault) January 31, 2019> all of the posts on @1800flowers Facebook page are complaints. This guy didn't even use words, and its the best one. pic.twitter.com/Uq4MNi0Erv> > -- Malcolm Xbox One X (@NickArcadeX) February 14, 2015> Gearing up for yet another Valentine's night of complete & total romance pic.twitter.com/wXu3i1qGRI> > -- Bridger Winegar (@bridger_w) February 15, 2015> you, a fool: its valentines day > me, an intellectual: it is wednesday my dudes> > -- proto (@ProtomanX97) February 14, 2018> the best thing about being single on valentine's day is I get to eat all 2 dozen of these roses by myself> > -- thomas violence (@thomas_violence) February 14, 2015> Here is your annual reminder that if you are single/lonely on Valentine's Day, you can always celebrate Arizona's birthday instead! She'll be 106 and beautiful as ever!!> > -- Bryce Cluff (@Bryce_Cluff) February 5, 2019> You are never alone on Valentine's Day if you're near a lake and have bread.> > -- Mike Primavera (@primawesome) February 14, 2015> If men wrote candy hearts: > > \- hey > \- what r u up to? > \- K > \- lol > \- *silence*> > -- Eden Dranger (@Eden_Eats) February 14, 2018> Happy Valentines ❤️ https://t.co/Tq6RyJ03fS> > -- Chad Johnson (@ochocinco) February 12, 2019> Valentines Day might make you feel more pathetic and alone but you're not! Its impossible to be more pathetic or alone than you already were> > -- Brent (@Brentweets) February 14, 2016> i dont need a valentine i need 8 million dollars and a fast metabolism> > -- Jamie Macgregor (@m1ndspeak5truth) February 5, 2018> Rough love life? Consider these animals that definitely have it worse > > -Bees' genitals explode after sex > > -Hippos soil themselves to attract a mate > > -Every woman I've dated has had to watch Titanic with me while I recite most of the lines from memory > > -Boy seahorses get pregnant!> > -- Dan Sheehan (@ItsDanSheehan) February 14, 2018> Let's all take a moment of silence this Valentine's Day to think about the couples who started dating end of January> > -- Mike Ginn (@shutupmikeginn) February 14, 2015> When making Valentines for preschoolers, is it ok to address them all to "Tiny Satan" since the kids can't read? Asking for myself.> > -- Ashley Austrew (@ashleyaustrew) February 11, 2016> [gives wife pet cockroaches for Valentine's day] > Are you crying because you're happy?> > -- Jeff Wysaski (@pleatedjeans) February 11, 2015> valentine's day was ruined ever since Liam M. spilled hawaiian punch all of my cards in 4th grade and didn't even bother to get paper towels! MEN!!> > -- Taylor Trudon (@taylortrudon) February 13, 2018> catch me on valentines day wearing a flowy top, crossfaded off allergy meds and a glass of wine, twirling to fleetwood mac in my bedroom mirror> > -- jaboukie (@jaboukie) January 25, 2018> Sending flowers to your significant other at work is a great way to tell all their coworkers that you used to have $60.> > -- ratthew (@sucittaM) February 14, 2012 WATCH: Comedian Steve Capps paints 'farting clouds' with Bob Ross -- Bob Ross Challenge

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